How to Avoid And Treat Gout

How to Avoid And Treat Gout

Most Common Arthritic Diseases

Despite its rather strange name, gout is one of the most common arthritic diseases in the world. Since it is relatively easy to avoid and to cure, it is incredible that it is still around.’ Still, unfortunately, there are millions of people each year who find themselves stricken by this debilitating disease. Essentially, gout acts as a type of arthritis that affects certain joints due to a buildup of uric acid. These high uric acid levels, which are usually pretty harmless in the body when maintained at low levels, occur when the liver produces more of this acid than you can hope to excrete through your urine. Alternatively, if your liver is perfectly healthy but you find yourself eating far too much rich food such as red wine, red meats, and various creamy sauces, your kidneys will have a tough time converting all of the uric acids in those foods into urine to be excreted. Without a doubt, the best way to avoid gout is to make sure that neither of these situations happens ‘ but if you have a gout symptom or two already, then there is a lot of treatment available.

Gout Food to Avoid

As with any illness, the best way to cure it is to ensure you never get it in the first place. Gout is certainly no exception, as there are countless ways to prevent getting gout through simple changes in your diet. As mentioned earlier, many cases of arthritic gout are caused by people consuming too many rich foods for too long. While rich foods are undoubtedly great to eat occasionally, you should not eat them regularly; if you do, then gout may be in your near future. The gout food to avoid should include many of the red meats that you may enjoy, as well as hearty, creamy sauces. A person on a gout diet, whether at risk of developing gout, already have gout, or are afraid they may get gout, should stick with eating lighter, leaner foods that may not be so rich and full of excess uric acid. Known as a low-purine gout diet, it is a great program to stay on if you foresee gout in the future.

Gout Treatment is Incredibly Painless

If you have already begun the early stages of gout, it is certainly not too late to treat it. Gout treatment is incredibly painless and usually results in a simple diet change to avoid all the rich foods mentioned earlier. For the more health-conscious people, a promising-looking natural treatment for gout seems to be gout cherry juice, as the juice from cherries has been shown to help the liver and kidneys function more efficiently. So long as you are not anti-pharmaceutical, another excellent gout treatment is to take some of the various anti-inflammatory medications on the market, which can significantly help you reduce the swelling and pain associated with gout in your joints. Furthermore, there is a large variety of light steroids that you may consider taking if your gout is especially severe or if you feel that you may be at risk for developing some of the side effects that are usually associated with high-powered anti-inflammatory drugs. Alternatively, an excellent gout home remedy is to drink more water, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet that consists of foods that are not known to contribute to gout. This mix of diet, exercise, and water is perfect to help you rid your body of the uric acid that could eventually lead to gout.

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